Di Guardo, A., Volpi, E., Finizio, A. 2020. Analysis of large-scale monitoring data to identify spatial and temporal trend of risk for terbuthylazine and desethyl-terbuthylazine in surface water bodies of Po plain (Italy), Sci Total Environ. 740,140121
Di Guardo, A., Monchiero, M. 2018. Risparmio idrico e sistemi di irrigazione a minor impatto in orticoltura e floricoltura, Protezione delle Colture, 11 (3), 2-6
Monchiero, M., Di Guardo, A. 2018 Risparmio idrico e water footprint in viticoltura e indicatore VIVA. Protezione delle Colture, 11 (3), 17-21.
Di Guardo, A. and Finizio, A. 2018. A new methodology to identify surface water bodies at risk by using pesticide monitoring data: the glyphosate case study in Lombardy Region (Italy). Sci Total Environ. 610–611, 421–429
Di Guardo, A. and Finizio, A. 2017. Sustainable use of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals on the territory (SUSTPharm): linking available database of manure management and environmental fate models. Sci Total Environ. 575, 1014–1026
Di Guardo, A., Menaballi, L., Finizio, A., 2017. Modelling soil exposure to pesticides at territorial level. SETAC Europe 27th Annual meeting, 7-11 May 2017, Bruxelles (Poster)
Di Guardo, A., Finizio, A., 2017. Assessing surface water vulnerability to pesticides from monitoring data: a territorial approach. SETAC Europe 27th Annual meeting, 7-11 May 2017, Bruxelles (Poster)
Lamastra, L., Balderacchi, M., Di Guardo, A., Monchiero, M., Trevisan, M., 2016. A novel fuzzy expert system to assess the sustainability of the viticulture at the wine-estate scale, Sci Total Environ, 572, 724–733
Di Guardo, A. and Finizio, A. 2016. A moni-modelling approach to manage groundwater risk to pesticide leaching at regional scale, Sci Total Environ 545–546, 200–209
Di Guardo, A., Finizio, A., 2016. Monitoraggio delle acque: il caso studio glifosate. L’informatore agrario. 23/2016, 55-58
Di Guardo, A., Finizio, A., 2016. Sustainable use of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals on the territory and groundwater resources quality. SETAC Europe 26th Annual meeting, 22-26 May 2016, Nantes (Poster corner presentation)
Di Guardo, A., Finizio, A., 2016. A moni-modelling approach for risk management of pesticide at territorial level. SETAC Europe 26th Annual meeting, 22-26 May 2016, Nantes (Poster)
Di Guardo, A. and Finizio, A. 2015. A client–server software for the identification of groundwater vulnerability to pesticides at regional level, Sci Total Environ 530–531, 247–256
Di Guardo, A., Finizio, A., 2015. VULPES WEB, a user-friendly web software for the evaluation of groundwater vulnerability to pesticides at territorial level. SETAC Europe 25th Annual meeting, 3-7 May 2015, Barcelona (Oral presentation)
Acutis, M, Alfieri, L., Giussani, A., Provolo, G., Di Guardo, A., Colombini, S., Bertoncini, G., Castelnuovo, M., Sali, G., Moschini, M., Sanna, M., Perego, A., Carozzi, M., Chiodini, M.E., Fumagalli, M., 2014. ValorE: an integrated and GIS-based decision support system for livestock manure management in the Lombardy region (northern Italy). Land Use Pol., 41, 149–162
Bozzo, S., Azimonti, G., Villa, S., Di Guardo, A., Finizio, A., 2013, Spatial and temporal trend of groundwater contamination from terbuthylazine and desethyl-terbuthylazine in the Lombardy Region (Italy), Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 15 2 366-372
Calliera, M., Berta, F., Galassi, T., Mazzini, F., Rossi, R., Bassi, R., Meriggi, P., Bernard, A., Marchis, A., Di Guardo, A., Ettore C., 2013, Enhance knowledge on sustainable use of Plant Protection Products within the framework of the Sustainable Use Directive, Pest Management Science
Maurino, M., Balderacchi, M., Di Guardo, A., Monchiero, M., 2013. Come si calcola l’impatto del vigneto sull’ambiente. L’informatore agrario. 38/2013, 2-4
Trevisan, M., Di Guardo, A., Balderacchi, M., 2009, An environmental indicator to drive sustainable pest management practices, Environmental Modelling & Software, 24 8 994-1002
Fragoulis, G., Trevisan, M., Di Guardo, A., Sorce, A., van der Meer, M., Weibel, F., Capri, E., 2009, Development of a management tool to indicate the environmental impact of organic viticulture, Journal of environmental quality, 38 2 826-835
Balderacchi, M., Di Guardo, A., Vischetti, C., Trevisan, M., 2008, The effect of crop rotation on pesticide leaching in a regional pesticide risk assessment, Environmental science & technology, 42 21 8000-8006